by: Bernard Cadelina

Good morning fellows!
(The Sun of opportunity never sets, that is why it is always Good Morning!)
Guys, allow me to share something different today. You might be surprised by this post that I called futuristic bahay kubo (for those who are not Filipino bahay kubo is a native house in the Philippines). Actually, this is neither my idea nor my designs. I got this one from one of the Philippine forum in the net called CGPINOY. I post this one here in my blog because I thought this is something worth sharing for. CGPINOY is a 3d visualization hub for Filipino designers, architects, interior designers and 3d artist. From time to time CGPINOY deal up competitions which allows designers and 3d artist showcase their talent. Actually this competition was held last May 2009. The objectives of this competition are:
1. To promote camaraderie among cgpinoy members. 
2. To promote awareness of the Philippine Bahay Kubo
3. To promote the use of Green Architecture Technologies and Innovations. 
4. To share ideas on the future of housing design. 
5. To enhance one's skill as a cg artist. 
6. And to have fun!

The results are pretty amazing and awesome considering that they share one simple idea to design a Bahay Kubo of the future but each designer have different approach and solution.
Here are some of the promising entries...

For more info about the competition please visit this site cgpinoy

My dear friends, this might not be the very best house design or the best architectural design online or the best online interior design you can see in the world or in the Philippines but for someone, some where it might be the best dream house design they could ever imagine. Folks, Every house is a dream come true. First it starts in our thoughts, in our mind, or in our dreams, then it manifest. If you believe the law of attraction then you will understand what I am talking about. Now folks, are you living your dream house? The answer lies deep with in you. Keep believing in your dreams. Keep dreaming because dreams are the seedlings of our reality.


john paulo
5/23/2014 12:46:22 am

hi this is jp im glad i've seen this site of yours, every design you've created makes great architecture but still has this filipino bahay kubo touch .... hope to see more of your designs, thanks for inspiration... thats all :) GOD BLESS

kurt ryan
1/27/2016 06:04:40 pm

I accidentally see this page,and amazed to every design you did.It is totally green architecture with bahay kubo design that makes unique hope I see more architect don't forget Filipino culture


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    July 2012

