Architect Eduardo Calma is the one responsible for the attractive design of the building in the image above. Very modernist shall I say. He was able to spectacle the public his aptitudes by endowing his knowledge in designing. This intelligent building made us ponder many times. Its exquisiteness was able to make people comprehend to be brave enough in expounding their boundaries.

I am delighted to say that I study inside this stunning edifice. This is the School of Design and Arts building of De La Salle College of Saint Benilde. I can say that this is the most unusual edifice of all the Lasallian buildings. The School of Design and Arts or the SDA building precisely epitomizes a modern architecture. It is an escapist building. Once you’re inside, you’ll nearly forget that it is actually located in one of the busiest street of Manila. We all know the fact that Manila is already an over populated city. However, it still conveys a learning environment. Manila states history. This is where we can see the oldest buildings of time. It embodies structures from the oldest style up to the most modern architecture. The SDA building is one of the most contemporary.

The SDA building thoroughly exemplified the character of a modern structure. Characterized by simplification of form yet having more intellectual computations. Architect Ed Calma was able to create a building which juxtaposes the unbalanced atmosphere outside. A fair temperature is being shaped inside the building. It is busy to look at yet calming at the same time. The sense of good vibes is being classified inside the gigantic edifice. It is honest and functional. The allotted space which was given in context was widely used. The amenities were explicated functionally inside the edifice.

I have seen this article describing the SDA as “Diamond by day, Lantern at night”. I suppose that this pertains to the physical appearance of the building. The warm yellow light of the entire edifice makes it more inviting. Large expanses of glasses made it more splendid. The building is like an enormous lantern at night. It is factually occupied with glass. The steels and cement are the supports of the glasses and the building itself. The architect considers technological design process also. Take note, being a techno architect is the hardest of all.

Transparent, shall I say. It bears the feeling of freedom. The disposition of coldness was depicted. You would love to see and go inside yet you will also have the feeling of reluctance to do so. It is a reputable edifice. It doesn’t embrace us with open arms only after we are conversant that it is a school where young and artistic people are being situated.

The building is undeniably masculine. The rigid form is evident. Sharp edges evoke a potent structure. There are no curvilinear forms at all. It enables us to see the tough side of the architect. Distorted forms of the exterior and the interior made the building more fascinating. Thus, all this aspects generates the design process of being an expressionist.

I am not staggered that architect Ed Calma has this kind of endowment. His father architect Lor Calma, where they work together in their own firm, is one of the pioneering architects of the modern architecture in the Philippines. He is one of the most efficacious artists. Before becoming an architect, he first started designing furniture. He was able to come up with an in demand design. He also does interior designing. All the hard work he did is worth it. They are now being beheld up to.

Furthermore, architect Ed Calma studied outside the country. I believe that this influences his schemes so much. Being an artist runs in their blood. They have been prominent in their field. They even had the chance to unravel the modern art. They gained a high-profile. Thus, being admired and respected by people is perceived. Both of them have powerful temperaments. They are both gifted indeed. They were able to design various projects that made us say wow.

The building is well-thought-out as an anti-contextual edifice. It is palpable that it doesn’t guise like any of its main environs. It is high and clean. Painted white all over. It is evident to perceive that the neighbors are old-fashioned. Some structures have no maturity in their architecture at all. Though SDA building is an anti-contextual one, it still has been treated as one of the landmark in the place. Besides of its daintiness, people are also astounded in the building for the reason that there are only few contemporary edifices in the country. Before, you will only see Malate composed of constructions with the roman post and beam, highlighted with low skyline.

Moreover, it opened in the year 2007. It is a 14-storey high modern building. Some would even say that it is a skyscraper. When I first passed by in the building, I never alleged that it was actually a college. It looks like an office. An extraordinary workplace. Very mature. I was not used in seeing that kind of building. Undulating lines are with unity into the stable structure. Deconstructed geometrical shapes are all over the humongous edifice. There is no monotony at all.

When you enter the building, the lobby states a minimalist setting. It’s a vast reception area and I like it. The high ceiling makes me feel the sense of freedom. I can breathe more. I feel at ease. I presume I am not the only one having the same appreciation. It is painted white with the secondary color of red for the captions. I discern that the lobby was made like this for the ease of the stake holders especially for us students. Everyone likes the lobby; some just don’t discern that it is because of the aesthetics applied. However, there are many who whine concerning the elevator. Some would say that it is not enough for the students. If you are to ask me, I have nothing against it. Five elevators are sufficient for me. In fact, the character of being punctual is being pursued because of it.

I am glad that we live now in the modern era. More and more concepts are being unraveled, thus more knowledge is being revealed. It is always exhilarating for me to ascertain new things. I always aspire to be a great architect and I will start it by conniving and setting up structures innovatively.

Every building has their altered and various deficiencies. There are certain flaws in the subject. Though I almost praised the building, I still have minor concerns. One of this is the main entrance where students entrances and exits. The glass has no written or symbols of cautions. It is very clear to the extent that it would look like that there is no barrier glass door at all. I’ve witnessed students bumped on those many times already. Gladly, I still have my clear eyes.

Secondly is the parking area. I study in SDA for more than two years already and yet every morning when I park, I always would still have to look in the small handwritten signage pertaining to the floor level. There are no distinctions. The parking areas from the ground up until the third look all the same. And lastly is for the maintenance. Since the walls are all white inside and out, it is harder to preserve.

I erudite recently that cyphers are vital in architecture. As an architect, we have to conceptualize the things that will conjure an ease environment for the stake holders. And by doing this, an accurate behavioral stress circuit shall be decorously made. The zoning of each floor area in a structure shall always be taken into consideration. We have to continually ruminate that everything has a function and therefore significant. A proper floor plan will lead us to a comfort milieu.

Linked with the above paragraph, the SDA building has a proper zoning. The architect conceptualized the whole plan for the stake holders. There was an accurate behavioral stress circuit applied. Though there was a deficiency in providing some significant symbols and distinctions, the building still advocates an ease workplace.

The SDA building is one of the reasons why I am proud to be a Benildean student. It has been one of my motivations. As an architecture apprentice, I must have an inspiration to accomplish my goals in life. I have to control and progress my abilities to decipher my thoughts into the paper, AutoCAD or sketch up. It somehow made me realizes that to be able to design and construct a colossal building and as stunning as the SDA, i have to sacrifice first. Spend hours and hours in front of the table doing the school works, sleepless nights and tiring stressful days are just one of them. The fact that it will be me and my relishing clients who will benefit in the long run, I’m always enthusiastic to do all of this.

*Credits to the photographers whom have allowed their shots of the SDA building posted in the internet.


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    July 2012

